The following vlog posts are presented in reverse chronological order, meaning that the latest one will be first and the first one will be last. I wanted the vlogs to go in reverse order (The oldest first) so that you guys could start at the beginning. The only way around this issue would be to post-date all of the new vids and pre date the older ones. That is too much for me to add on my already over flowing plate, so I've just attached the intro vlog to THIS post and the rest is your call.
If you want to start at the beginning (which is where all good books start), navigate on the right and work your way up. Have fun, feel free to leave a comment and check out the links to my YouTube channel where you can find some of the musical material which I will be performing at the live show.
Thanks and good luck.
Vlog #1 - The Intro
The first Vlog installment shows me that this webcam is pretty craptastic.
Notice how the cam is switching focal points between me and the wall.
That's wonderful.
Tomorrow: get a backdrop for chrissakes.